[Kroupware] Re: Fwd: My Two Cents Worth

Marc Mutz kroupware@mail.kde.org
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 15:31:21 +0100

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On Saturday 04 January 2003 14:20, Eli Wapniarski wrote:
> It is a little bit disconcerting to find that kolab client will not
> work with traditional IMAP servers. This is a basic function of
> kmail.

And is still available, of course.

> Making the server run in its own environment was simply great. It
> keeps the system that its built on relatively safe. It would be a
> really good idea to have the kolab client do the same. And it might
> be a good idea (if possible) to have that environment be built on the
> lastest "official" release of KDE. So that anyone like me, would have
> the opportunity to build the system on a base system.
> As for the final release of the client, kmail should not be
> diminished in that kmail should be able to deal with standard imap
> and kroupware imap servers. And as far as at least being able to send
> and receive email, any imap client should be able to at least see the
> mail.

The "kroupware" IMAP server _is_ a standard IMAP server. It's Cyrus=20
IMAPd. You could possibly use any IMAP server, just as you could use=20
any SMTP server and any LDAP server from the client. You'd only have to=20
change the web admin interface sources to be able to deal with=20
non-Cyrus IMAPd's, non-postfix MTA's and non-OpenLDAP ldap servers.

There are three modes in which IMAP can be operated:
1. offline mode (is just as POP3)
2. online mode (is what KMail/3.1 provides)
3. disconnected IMAP (is what Kroupware_branch adds to KMail)

All of them should work with any IMAP4rev1 compatible server.


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