[Kroupware] Confusion on the ftp server
David Pavlotzky
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 14:31:07 +0100
>it just came to my attention that our rsync script to synchronize our
>with the kde ftp server was bogus (missing --delete). I just fixed this now
>and I hope that the stuff on the ftp server is now less confusing.
Geez, you guys are fast. It looks a lot better now. Good work!
>In addition in order to make your live easier I added all required packages
>(from OpenPKG) to the src directory of Beta2.1
>Until things migrate to ftp.kde.org you may download them from ktown.kde.org.
>In general we recommend very much to also have a look at our publically
>accessable cvs repository.
>-- martin
Kind regards,
David Pavlotzky