[Kroupware] Announcement: Kolab Server Beta2.1 available

Tobias Hadem kroupware@mail.kde.org
Mon, 03 Feb 2003 18:10:36 +0100


are all Packages available as Binaries? I miss procmail for example..

Or should i mix Source-RPM´s from beta 1 with binaries from beta 2?


Tobias Hadem			th@lt-ec.de
LT-ec service & solutions 	http://www.lt-ec.de
fon +49 (0)911 97791355		fax +49 (0)911 97791358
Benno-Strauss-Strasse 5		D-90763 Fürth/Bay.

LinuxTag - Europes largest expo and conference 
vom 10.-13.7.2003 im Messe- und Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe

Tassilo Erlewein schrieb:

>Hello all,
>a bugfixed Kolab Beta 2.1 will come up shortly at the main download location
>(if ftp.kde.org hasn't catched up with the sync yet, try ktown.kde.org 
>For your convenience, we provide binary packages at:
>Using binary packages you can save time and bypass the lengthy openpkg 
>bootstrap process. Have a look at the README file.
>Debian 3.0 will follow shortly, I hope. That depends on our development server 
>and how busy the client development team is right now (they do heavily depend 
>on it and couldn't afford a downtime these days).
>The reason for the bugfixed beta2.1 is that we had various issues when 
>upgrading to openpkg1.2 and to the latest versions of the OSS projects we 
>depend on. Check the cvs for details, if you like.
>Please continue to give feedback. Although we sometimes do not answer promply 
>we try hard to include all technical feedback.
>Thanks and best regards,