[Kroupware] Attendee update situations
Guenter Schwann
Mon, 3 Feb 2003 13:50:32 +0100
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On Monday 03 February 2003 12:39, Bo Thorsen wrote:
> I'm currently working on attendees updating info on the tasks or events.
> When the organizer of a task changes something, an update is sent out
> (method Scheduler::Request, Sequence > 0) and this works fine now.
Works fine _now_? Do you mean there was something wrong?
> But what should be done when an attendee of a task sends something out?
> Currently (just committed to cvs) I send a mail to the organizer with
> method Scheduler::Reply.
When does a attendee send something other than an answer to the organizer,=
or a "refresh"?
> Two questions: Shouldn't the reply really be with method
> Scheduler::Request and with Sequence++, or how do I do that? And should
> this mail also go out to other attendees (not important since the
> current implementation only allows a single attendee anyway)?
Attendees should never send messages to each other. IMIP alway comunicates=
from/to the organizer.
> When attendees of a meeting changes something, this will be done locally
> only, since noone but the organizer are allowed to change a meeting. But
> shouldn't the user at least be allowed to cancel a participation in a
> meeting? If so, is this done by sending a Cancel message?
Attendees should send a "decline"-reply. Then the organizer deletes this=20
attendee sends a "cancel" back. All other attendees receive an updated=20
"request" (without changing their status - it's just an update).
Guenter Schwann
Graz University of Technology - Computer Graphics and Vision
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