[Kroupware] Re: Kroupware RFC update

Hartmut Goebel h.goebel at goebel-consult.de
Wed Apr 30 12:05:47 CEST 2003

Marc Mutz schrieb:

>>>   FIXME (new) - A suggestion has been made that the folders should
>>>not be listed at all with the LIST or LSUB commands but should be
>>>accessed through hard-coded default folders.
> Can't be done, needs server support.

If i understand this right, there is nothing like a "hidden" flag for 
folders in IMAP. Correct. Otherwise is flag could have been used.

>>This is a requirement for the Groupware-Server? Has the
>>Groupware-Server to hide/suppress these folders?
> There's no "Groupware Server". This is about using normal off-the-shelf 
> IMAP servers for storing groupware data.


>>I strongly suggest defined folder names which are translated into the
>>currents application's locale by the client. Otherwise switching the
>>client's locale would affect the functionality. And imagine a
>>co-worker using a different locale: how should she be able to read
>>your calendar-entries?
> Imagine a user logging in with a normal IMAP client. He'll see the names 
> as they appear on the server. Imagine a user suddenly seeing __GW_Notes 
> where there were her "Notizen" before? ->Rings the helpdesk.

And how are you going to handle the conflic I descibed above?

This problem only occurs whan using "normal" IMAP clients, which -- in 
enterprise environment -- should affect only some "power users".

> Why multipart? Just make the top-level part 
>   text/{calendar,x-vcard,whatever}

Multi-part was taken form Stephans draft. If this is not multi-part, how 
can a note be includes into eg. a task?

> What is an "attachment" to a contact?

E.g. a note included to a calendar or task entry.

>>Regarding Tasks: Does [iCal] define priority-values? Something like 1
>>to 5, "unset", "important", "junk", etc. If not, I suggest to include
>>these here.
> Define "here".

here = this RFC. Do you have nit-picking-day today? :-\

Hartmut Goebel
| Hartmut Goebel             | strategisch-technische IT-Beratung |
| h.goebel at goebel-consult.de | www.goebel-consult.de              |

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