[Kroupware] LDAP address book schema suggestion
Andrew Kohlsmith
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 12:26:00 -0400
> Hmm, I know nothing about the interna of latitude and longitude, I only
> know that we could save it as 'geoLatitude' and 'geoLongitude' in the
> LDAP schema in the float format.
Right, but Lat and Long are normally given as a number of degrees North/South
and also East/West -- i.e. for 90.0,54.23 there are four possibilities:
90N, 54.23W
90S, 54.23W
90S, 54.23E
90N, 54.23E
if we're just storing the floating point info we need modify the spec so that
we always specify from N,W or something.