[Kroupware] Web interface frontend

Bernhard Reiter kroupware@mail.kde.org
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 12:53:07 +0200

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On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 10:41:28AM +1200, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> are you willing to develop the webfrontend in an open source way?
> or rather develop, and then dump?

Is this a rethorical question?

Of course we develop Free Software in the open and don't code and "dump".
This holds for the server and the client.

> sometimes i wonder if this list is purely used as a product/feature
> announcement lists.=20

We publish documents and code as fast and properly as we can.
E.g. the Kolab client code is in CVS. Server architecture document
on the website.

> while the client people actualy discuss features
> and implementation, i only saw promisses for features from you
> server guys, but no hints on implementation, status or running code.

I'm not a server guy, I'm the coordinator. :)

The server guys are busy putting the features together
we need to have with the known Free Software components=20
and following our published concept. There is not much room
to change many details of what we have to implement first.
So we just do it and stick the components together and test it.
Basically the architecture document are the plan.

When we have code for the webinterface, we'll publish it.
If we see interesting Free Software code we consider it.

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