[Kroupware] Web interface frontend

Andreas Jellinghaus kroupware@mail.kde.org
26 Sep 2002 17:45:21 +1200

cyrus has ldap support? i didn't know.

i think:
it has none, it only supports pam, and there is pam_ldap.
And yes, getting cyrus with saslauthd and pam_ldap to work
can fail with many errors, and it is quite difficult to 

I suggest to:
 - set slapd.conf loglevel to 256
 - tail -f on the messages (or whatever logfile you are using)
 - use "telnet localhost imap2" (or "socket localhost imap2") with
   1 LOGIN user password
 - strace -p <pidof imap server> to see if it connects successfull to
   the saslauthd
 - pidof saslauthd and strace -p on all pids to see what saslauthd is   

as you can see, the debugging requires strace, so it is only for 
hackers, as strace is too hard to use for normal admins IMO.

i will not migrate to courier, and cyrus has some features i like a lot.
but i'd be happy to see both alternatives documented and i will help
anyone working on courier as good as i can (without installing it myself
- don't have the time to dig into it too deep).

Regards, Andreas