[Kroupware] latest CVS - couple questions

Steffen Hansen kroupware@mail.kde.org
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 02:43:54 +0200

* Andrew Kohlsmith <akohlsmith@benshaw.com> [Sep 25. 2002 02:20]:
> I suppose the most important one is -- where did my IMAP mail folders go?

You _did_ read the warnings in the CVS commits, right? :-)

The "normal" KMail IMAP folders are unfortunately broken right now, so
if you have any IMAP accounts configured from the normal KMail, delete

Then create a "Disconnected IMAP" account and point it to a test-server
and try it out. There is currently a quite high probability that it'll
eat your mail, so please only do it with a test-account. 

Steffen Hansen

Senior Software Engineer, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB

email: hansen@kde.org, steffen@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se,
www:   http://www.hrhansen.dk