[Kroupware] Re: kroupware_branch: kdepim/korganizer

Cornelius Schumacher kroupware@mail.kde.org
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 14:56:50 +0200

On Sunday 13 October 2002 13:13, Karl-Heinz Zimmer wrote:
> Content-Type used by Microsoft Outlook 9.0 (and 10.0) is
> "text/calendar".
> The data starting with "BEGIN:VCALENDAR"
> So aren't they using the 'vCal' format?

No, they don't use vCalendar, they use iCalendar. Both formats use the 
"BEGIN:VCALENDAR" tag, but they differ in the "VERSION" tag. The term 
vCalendar is commonly used for the old format.

There are some fundamental differences between vCalendar and iCalendar, 
vCalendar has another MIME type, doesn't have journals, uses a 
different format for alarms and recurrence rules etc.

It might sound as nitpicking, but it is important to get this completely 
right to ensure interoperability. gnome-cal for example used the 
version number of the application in the "VERSION" tag for a while, 
which made the format invalid and prevented loading in other 

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>