Frame System

Miguel Angel Gómez Márquez atomicmx at
Wed Oct 4 02:57:26 CEST 2006

Be careful with such statements ;-)
I always had scripting and animation in mind.
Lol, I ain't a psychic...... yet.

I don't plan to export complete animations as povray files.
But it would be nice.
Remember that Kpovmodeler isn't the only povray modeler in existence, what i
mean is
when migration between programs (supposing that one of the goals is to get
more people to use KPM instead of which ever other Modeler) the people tends
to use both programs for the same project (design, animation, programing,
etc) to know and adapt to the new features of the new system. first example
is linux, people who started using linux  from
MS W. didn't delete MSW from their computers, they installed both  and use
them both till having enough skills to move completely to linux.
This is not a determinant point, but as i said, it would be nice.
(and the way i did it it can be done incidentally)

Now tell me that the objects or the serializer that generates the povray
code doesn't know that some property is animated. If the animation is only
limited to some scale, translate or rotate objects, your idea works, but not
when all properties can be animated.
In which cases it wouldn't work?
You understood very well my idea but forgot something i mentioned.
That the  " if (clock > x) " its in another file named which
contains the animation in another hand if not being present that file,
would render the first scene of the animation. (if not being present that
animation files, objects don't know if they are animated or not.

Nothing against a good debate ;-)
Hahaha, spiritualy refreshing. (really)

I hope the KDE libraries are mainly stable, too, so you have a good
fundament to base your work on (after we finished discussion, of course ;-)
Yes, by the moment i'll make the "scratch" module in the actual stable KPM.

I got 2 technical questions:
Which files make writings to the harddisk? (writing files)

And in which file you make the convertion from lets say KPM format to PRay
(in memory)?

Extra commet to everyone.
Amm if anybody wants the sources for the video (the 9mb video i posted
Please ask me for them.

Have a most excellent day.                 ¡  :D  !
 Att. Miguel Ängel Gómez

       Engrane3D GNU/Linux

  Miguel Ángel Gómez Márquez
        Ingeniería en Sistemas

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