Frame System

Andreas Zehender az at
Tue Oct 3 22:53:48 CEST 2006


Miguel Angel Gómez Márquez schrieb:

> I  definetly agree, they hardly fit, because Kpov wasn't originaly 
> supposed to render
> animations

Be careful with such statements ;-)
I always had scripting and animation in mind, that's why there is 
already the property system and the (unused) plugin framework. All parts 
of kpovmodeler are very loosely connected, that's why it has such a 
clean framework. If would be even possible with the current version to 
add a plugin which exports to and uses another renderer, if that 
supports a similar set of objects.

> , in the other hand, they can be implemented quickly with a "little 
> drawback" as kpov file, but i ask again, how do you plan to export an 
> animation to povray code? exporting 1200 povfiles maybe? or povray 
> code exportation for animation would be nullified.

I don't plan to export complete animations as povray files. We have 
animated scenes as kpov file, and the "export" of the animation is a 
list of rendered frames or an encoded video. Again, although the name is 
KPovModeler (I am a developer, no marketing guy ;-) the program is very 
loosely connected to povray, povray is "just" used to render the scene, 
as underlying renderer. KpovModeler was not designed to generate povray 
files, it just uses povray (I hope you understand the difference, it's 
hard to describe such small differences in a non native language)

> Doing they way i hipoteticaly propose, would let to export an 
> animation directly to 1 single povray file.
> I may be wrong (because i haven't started coding yet)
> But i belive it would worth the try.
> Give me 2 weeks, and i'll have you (all) ready a "very rough" example 
> of my idea.

Yes please, and if you need an introduction to different parts of the 
program, just ask.

> ---- 
> What I had in mind is to loosely connect the animation objects or 
> scripts with the animated objects, what means that the objects have no 
> idea that they are animated.
> -----
> And whats the difference with what i posted? (its a real question, lol)
> The animation would be in an include file, which if not being present, 
> would draw the first frame. the objects don't know of the animation.

Take for example a camera and a cube. The cube should have a color that 
slides from red to green and a camera that is moving towards the cube.

(may not be valid povray code)
cube { <1, 1, 1>, <-1, -1, -1>  pigment{color <1-clock, clock, 0>}}
camera { position <0, 5-clock, 0> ...}

property, and 
camera1.position.y are animated properties
in your code that would be

cube { <1, 1, 1>, <-1, -1, -1>  pigment{color <animated1, animated2, 0>}}
camera { position <0, animated3, 0>}

#if ...
#else if...

Now tell me that the objects or the serializer that generates the povray 
code doesn't know that some property is animated. If the animation is 
only limited to some scale, translate or rotate objects, your idea 
works, but not when all properties can be animated.

I hope it's clearer now.

> Hmmm...
> I'd like some opinions, this looks more like a debate than a mailing 
> list (forum).

Nothing against a good debate ;-)

> If we implement it as Andreas says, the animation system would be 
> running (unstable) in a month at most, because it is really easy to 
> implement it that way.

About the current state of the program: The program runs fine with 
Qt4/KDE4. I ported some important parts like the drag/drop system, 
copy/paste and undo/redo today, so the program is usable at the moment. 
I hope the KDE libraries are mainly stable, too, so you have a good 
fundament to base your work on (after we finished discussion, of course ;-)


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