Continuation, the mail was accidentaly sent in the middle

Miguel Angel Gómez Márquez atomicmx at
Tue Oct 3 09:17:13 CEST 2006

Every clock  if, would define each frame, and the vars would be the
properties state. for example instead of gf1=0.00 could be a color
#if (clock > 0 )         turbulence, or other kind of properties.
 gf1 = 0.000000 ;
  gf2 = 0.350000 ;
 gf3 = -0.980922 ;
  rf2 = 0.000000 ;
 #if (clock > 1 )
 gf1 = 0.000000 ;
  gf2 = 0.350000 ;
 gf3 = -0.962587 ;
  rf2 = 0.049835 ;
 #if (clock > 2 )
 gf1 = 0.000000 ;
  gf2 = 0.350000 ;
 gf3 = -0.944004 ;
  rf2 = 0.285889 ;
 #if (clock > 3 )
 gf1 = 0.000000 ;
  gf2 = 0.350000 ;
 gf3 = -0.925669 ;
  rf2 = 0.518417 ;
 #if (clock > 4 )
 gf1 = 0.000000 ;
  gf2 = 0.350000 ;
 gf3 = -0.907086 ;
  rf2 = 0.556885 ;

Then it would generate this secuence,  and avoid writing 10  o 20 or supose
an animation of 1200 files for each time we would need to render It is not
factible to calculate and render  every frame (because you would need to
write the file). Incidentaly you are proposing when exporting to povray code
you will export a pov file for each frame?

This would demoralize anyone. having like 500 pov files. (just talking about
exporting to povray in this case)

Perhaps i didn't understood very well this thing.

Here is the link address to my POVRay animation video, i did with my parser,
its in wmv format (windows media video, was for school purpouses) and there
is one point in the carrier platform, when i use a spline movement and its
only one file.
--- POVRay video  (i hosted it in filewire)
<a href="">

I am open to share all the POVRay files you find in the video. just ask for

Thanks for your time

Miguel A. Gomez M. - Engrane
BCS, México.
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