Image deleted from file system, new image assigned stops scene rendering

Haakon Meland Eriksen haakon at
Wed Sep 7 11:00:56 CEST 2005

Dear Andreas,

I have run into a small trouble spot that is reproduceable:

- assign an image to an object, and save the *.kpm-file.
- delete the image from the file system.
- assign a new image to the above object, and save the *.kpm-file. You may 
close the application, but it does not make a difference.
- try to render the texture. It should be OK.
- try to render the scene. This fails, and the output from POV-Ray will point 
to the missing original picture.

The solution is to recreate the path and image name/image type which POV-Ray 
complains about, then save the scene again, and render the scene. This time 
the new image will be chosen.

I tried to look inside my *.kpm file, but without success. I wonder if you 
have considered a regular ZIP-file as a container format, like compressed SVG 
and OpenOffice does already?

The bug in question is filed as #112148 at, but I thought the 
solution might be of interest to the list archive.

Yours sincerely,
Haakon Meland Eriksen

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