KPovModeler wish list

Andreas Zehender az at
Fri Feb 18 21:52:44 CET 2005


On Friday, 18. February 2005 16:46, Ramon Casha wrote:
> Hi guys,
> KPovModeler is one of the best modelers for POV that I've seen, keep it
> up.

Thanks :)

> I wanted to add a couple of suggestions / wish list items. 
> 1. Add a "folder" object which can group together any other objects in
> the tree (including declarations, cameras etc). This would have no
> effect on the rendered scene.

Declarations have to be top level for efficiency reasons IIRC. Groups should 
be possible.

> 2. Add possibility of tiling while rendering (ie, +SPn) for progressive
> display of image being rendered.

Good idea. I'm not sure if +SPn can direcly used but It can be emulated. Will 
add that to the feature list.

> bug:
> When selecting a vertex in a lathe object it is highlighted in the list,
> but if you click the "delete" button, another vertex will be deleted.

Do you have a sample scene and detailed steps how to reproduce this bug?


 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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