Adding new things

Andreas Zehender az at
Thu Mar 25 09:17:41 CET 2004

Hi Leon!

Fine by me, too.
Didn't you receive any test email from me? I even sent you one from my unused 
gmx account but didn't get any response.

At the moment I have no time for development, too much stress at work and real 

For csg evaluation: More about that later today or tomorrow.

On Wednesday, 24. March 2004 17:25, Leon Pennington wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been a little busy lately on other things, but I've solved them now.
> So back to KPM. Since I still don't seem to be receiving mail properly,
> I'll be watching the logs for the mailing list rather than relying on the
> things coming through here. So if I take some time to reply, you'll know
> why.
> I'm going to concentrate on KPM for the moment rather than the plugin, So
> I've been making alist of things I'd like to do.
> 1. Get mesh working as was suggested by Andreas. (Mesh2?)
> 2. Adding missing keywords like double_illuminate, no_image etc..
> 3. Other objects.
> 4. text Highlighting for Raw povray.
> I hope to get a lot of stuff done before the next release. Is this Okay
> with everyone? or should I be focusing my efforts on some other pieces?
> I've also been taking a good look at CSG libs and other things, but I think
> to get it to work successfully, would require a little reworking on the
> drawing side ( line and points don't give enough info for this to work ).
> and more functions from graphicalObject ( i.e inside outside etc. ). If I
> have time I would like to give it a try, but I think getting everthing else
> in is more important at the moment.

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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