View Update

Leon Pennington leon at
Thu Jan 29 01:39:57 CET 2004

I've been working on my Plug-in a lot the last few days, changing it from 
using the properties window to using a sepreate editor that pops up when you 
press an edit button in the porperties window. It was a nightmare to get 
working, but now the editor is nice and seprate with a 2D plan view.

Now the thing is, when you press ok on the editor, it does not apply the 
changes straight away, you have to press apply in the properties window for 
the changes to take effect. I found that if I did apply the changes straight 
from the editor, the wireframe views did not update properly, and sometimes 
not at all.

Do you think this is acceptable behaviour? and if not is their a way to 
trigger a better update.

Leon Pennington

Programming is a pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but 
with fewer opportunities for reward.

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