Not in scene

Leon Pennington leon at
Sat Jan 10 04:02:43 CET 2004

On Friday 09 January 2004 21:31, Andreas Zehender wrote:
> Merging of insert rules should work as expected.
> You added an exception for graphical objects, that means your heightfield
> does not count as graphical object (when it is a parent for objects to
> insert) and therefore all default insert rules for graphical objects don't
> apply. But that only controls, what objects can be inserted into the
> heightfield, not into what objects your heightfield can be inserted into.
> Hope that's clear enough :-)

Yes, thats what I though.

> There's no way to tell the insert rule system that your heightfield can't
> be inserted into a csg, as long as your heightfield inherits from
> PMGraphicalObject.
> Andreas

So... If I instead inherit from PMNamedObject, I can have more control. I'd 
have to reimplement those things I want from Graphical and Solid ( Export, 
No-Shadow etc. ). The only thing I don't think would be possible is the 
visibility stuff. Since the render manager checks to see if its a graphical 

BTW: My latest test render is at hope everyone likes it. The 
only thing in the scene not generated by the plug-in is the sun, hope to have 
that fixed soon.

Leon Pennington

Programming is a pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but 
with fewer opportunities for reward.

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