UV Mapping

Leon Pennington leon at leonscape.co.uk
Fri Apr 23 00:38:17 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 21 April 2004 17:58, Leon Pennington wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 April 2004 13:48, Leon Pennington wrote:
> > This seems like alot of overhead for a simply feature. So should I make
> > the uv mapping always available? ( It doesn't cause an error when
> > rendering, its just ignored by povray ).
> This is wrong its not ignored, it's actually used by all the objects I've
> tested. so povrays manual is wrong, and this is a moot question?!

Added them now, with uv vectors for bicubic patch, and triangle. I've had to 
add them directly to the objects, as the bicubic patch needs the uv vectors 
to be written before the points, and having a separate object just for the 
triangle seems wrong.

Also I forgot to mention the no_reflection, no_image and double_illuminate 
keywords I added about two weeks ago.

Leon Pennington

"Programming, it's an art form that fights back."

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