Parent objects and insert rules

Andreas Zehender zehender at
Wed Sep 24 22:23:57 CEST 2003


> The insert rules system works as follows: An object can be inserted when at
> least one rule permits it.
> And since triangle and mesh are graphical objects, object modifiers can be
> inserted allways and everywhere.
> Arrrgs, the csg object has the same problem...
> Just commit the rules, I will think about a solution.

Ok, I added a new exception element to rules.

The insert rules for the graphical object are now not valid for the csg and 
mesh objects.

  <targetclass name="GraphicalObject">
    <exception class="CSG"/>
    <exception class="Mesh"/>
      <group name="ObjectModifier"/>
      <class name="Comment"/>
      <class name="Raw"/>

Greetings, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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