New in CVS: Mesh

Leon Pennington leon at
Wed Sep 24 00:47:33 CEST 2003

I've added the mesh object, with the inside vector so it also does the solid 
mesh stuff.

I've been looking at mesh2, I think I'm just stuck on how to implement it. I'm 
not sure which path to take. Long lists of indices and faces in the 
propeirties view seems like a really bad idea. then how to incorparate the 
texture stuff as well. Hmmm. I'll think some more.

I was going to implement the UV mapping options, unless theres something more 
urgent I should work on?

Leon Pennington

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by 
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause 
 Nathaniel Borenstein. 

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