Parent objects and insert rules

Leon Pennington leon at
Tue Sep 23 04:23:38 CEST 2003

I'm currently doing the mesh object, which is working okay. My problem is the 

I need triangle to be able to accept object modifers as it does now when its a 
standalone object, but if its parent is a mesh, I need it not to accept them 
as children, is their anyway to do this? or should I simply remove them in 

Also the way I've written the mesh insert rules I'd assume you could not add a 
modifier (say texture) before a triangle. But it seems to allow this, but 
weirdly it won't allow a triangle after a texture. I've listed the rules 
below. Am I missing something?

I was thinking it might have to do with graphical objects ( as thats what its 
base class is ) and the rules combining? if so can I force it not too.

I've done a meshobjects group as povray docs say they may add polygon or 
others to the mesh object.

<targetclass name="Mesh">
   <definegroup name="MeshObjects">
      <class name="Triangle"/>
      <class name="Comment"/>
      <class name="Raw"/>
      <group name="ObjectModifier"/>
      <not><before><group name="MeshObjects"/></before></not>
      <group name="MeshObjects"/>
      <not><after><group name="ObjectModifier"/></after></not>

Leon Pennington

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by 
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause 
 Nathaniel Borenstein. 

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