New in CVS:Finish Options

Leon Pennington leon at
Mon Sep 22 03:59:13 CEST 2003

Added conserve energy and the new reflection block to finish ( including 
fresnel) Its still compatible with old files.

I had fun writing the parser to accept both the old and new-styles for 
importing. As povray 3.5 accepts both I'd though it would be worthwhile 
supporting both in kpm.

The only thing is one function in the pmfinish.h file is redundant. Its there 
to allow 3.1 serialization to compile, I've marked it as such. Really could 
of renamed isRefExponentEnabled() too isExponentEnabled() and this would of 
worked but I though it would be better to keep the naming more consistent 
than that. ( as it is now part of the reflection block ). The other option 
was to alter 3.1 serialization to use the new function but I thought it would 
be better to leave that alone and sort it out when the plug-in framework for 
different renderer is complete.
Leon Pennington

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by 
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause 
 Nathaniel Borenstein. 

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