Release shedule

Leon Pennington leon at
Fri Sep 19 15:55:25 CEST 2003

On Friday 19 September 2003 6:41 am, you wrote:
> Hi Luis and Leon!
> I'd like to feature freeze KPovModeler this weekend to have one final week
> for last minute tests and string changes.
> Luis: What's the status of the object library? Would be great to have it in
> the new release.
> Leon: Do you plan to add more objects this weekend?
> Greetings, Andreas

Just adding some keywords to finish.

I was looking at the mesh objects as well, but that maybe pushing it. mesh2 
might have to be left out.

Leon Pennington

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by 
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause 
 Nathaniel Borenstein. 

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