distributed rendering

az at azweb.de az at azweb.de
Fri Sep 19 12:48:15 CEST 2003

Hi Christoph!
> I agree that with a render plugin framework and perhaps some other 
> architectural changes a cleaner support would be possible. But just
> my work and wait at least another year (in Nove Hrady it was looking
> that the next KDE version will be based on Qt 4) would be quite 
> unsatisfactory.

That has nothing to do with trashing your work.
KPovModeler was always released with stable, complete and well tested
features. Your distributed rendering tool is not finished yet, as it
doesn't give any direct feedback to the user.
You have to understand me: We have one(!) week left for feature commits
and string changes. If you realize in two weeks that the current POV-Ray
rendering implementation is not suitable for your tool, we have no chance
to change it any more.

If you can finish a version until monday, 22 september, that has a user
feedback and shows the image in correct orientation, then I will add it in
this version.

Greetings, Andreas

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