distributed rendering

Christoph Fabianek fabianek at cs.utk.edu
Sun Sep 14 01:19:42 CEST 2003


I have written a while ago to the list about implementing a distributed render 
mode. Now I have the first working version and would like to ask for some 
advice - it's my first code in C++ and I'm also not very familiar with CVS...
Ok, here we go:

Attached is the output of 'cvs diff -l > ~/dist_render.patch' in 
'kdegraphics/kpovmodeler' - is this the correct way of submitting a patch?

What do you think about the patch itself? I'm sure some things are not 
implemented optimally... (a screenshot of the 'Render Modes' dialog is 
available at  http://fsmat.at/~cfabiane/tmp/render_modes.png )

And the biggest problem I have is with displaying the distributed rendered 
image in the 'Render Window'. Currently the image is rendered with nspovray 
which writes the composed result to stdout via 'cat result.tga'. The problem 
I encounter is that it shows the image bottom up.

Any comments are welcome,

PS: The current version of nspovray (http://fsmat.at/~cfabiane/nspovray.html) 
will not work with this patch - I have to do a new release. If someone want 
to try the patch let me know and I will send you the current version of 
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