Radiosity and Photons

CARVALHO Luis Passos luis.passos at
Thu Sep 4 15:22:11 CEST 2003

I think that's better than removing the radiosity settings from the object,
as you previously mentioned.

Luis Carvalho

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leon Pennington [mailto:leon at]
> Sent: quinta-feira, 4 de Setembro de 2003 6:07
> To: KPovDevel
> Subject: Radiosity and Photons
> As I've been working on the Global settings, it struck me it 
> might be better 
> to have Radiosity and Photons as seprate objects that can be 
> attatched to 
> global settings. SInce they have both got quite a few 
> settings, it might make 
> it easier to use them.
> Also if I leave the current Radiosity in the global settings 
> and simply change 
> the label to mark it out as 3.1 only. It would mean we could 
> keep backward 
> compatability.
> A simple check to make sure their isn't a child Radiosity, if 
> their is disable 
> the Radiosity3.1 Checkbox.
> Good or Bad Idea?
> -- 
> Leon Pennington
> "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most 
> experts agree, is by 
> accident. That's where we come in; we're computer 
> professionals. We cause 
> accidents." 
>  Nathaniel Borenstein . 
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