povray section and additions to my wish list

Olivier Saraja olivier at linuxgraphic.org
Thu Oct 30 21:40:52 CET 2003

Hi all,

I suppose everyone is quite busy because of the sudden silence on the mailing 
list. I'm trying to compile the CVS version but I have troubles because of 
the software versions I have on my computer. I don't have time to explore 
more right now, but I hope to play with the CVS version very soon.

povray section on linuxgraphic.org:
Here's for the moment an unofficial version of the povray section we are 
building on linuxgraphic.org:


Here's how will look the french version of the tutorials I wrote (currently 
there are ten of them):


When will we have news from the new kpm website?

Additions to my wish list:
*About the render modes: could we have one additional button that duplicates 
the selected render mode in order to modify it slightly instead of 
re-building each render mode from scratch?

*About the control points of prismes, curves, etc.: could we activate labels 
number in the 3d view for each point? It would be easier to identify the u,v 
line to change for a particular control point in the 3d view

*Multiple cameras support: could you set a tag enabling that the perspective 
view (and the appropriate rendering) is done for the currently active camera 
(from within a menu, a dock view, the camera settings...???)

Olivier Saraja

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