more help needed

Andreas Zehender
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 15:43:26 +0100


On Sunday, 16. March 2003 09:27, Resly Joe Mathews wrote:
> i like to know in which cpp file is the interface of kpov modeler
> in,
> i think its pmshell.cpp..........
> could u give a detailed info actually from where to
> i would like to know the interface, cos i'd want see how the
> interface  will look without all the other classes........
> give me details in
> 1. the interface files

pmviewbase.h: Base class class for all views
pmtreeview.h: The object tree
pmglview.h: The opengl 3d views
pmdialogview.h: The properties view
pmdialogeditbase.h: Base class for all widgets to display object properties

> 2. the objects file...pmobject.cpp n others
> 3. signals n slots used.....

I already wrote the most important ones in my last mail.

> 4. the class hierarchy used....

Just create the class documentation with kdoc as I told you in my last mail.


 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA) |      