nvidia opengl problem

kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:48:01 +0100 (CET)

En réponse à Andreas Zehender <zehender@kde.org>:

> Hi!
> On Thursday, 06. March 2003 02:52, Andrea Ravalli wrote:
> > Hi,
> > i've compiled Kpovmodeler 1.0 under a Mandake9.0 linux distro with
> > closed source driver from nvidia and prefix=/opt/Kpovmodeler and
> > xineramasupport. All go well but when i run the program i get
> message:
> > loading required libGL1.2
> > ...and 100% CPU usage til i stop them or X crash
> > Can some one help me?

I had exactly the same problem, that occured with kpovmodeler and other openGL
apps. The solution is to remove one RPM package that confuses your install.
If I remember well, it was a Mesa*, but I can't be more precise...
Unfortunately during the nvidia package install process, this is not done.
I managed to find the solution by using a 'ulimit -t 20' before running 
kpovmodeler and hence avoiding a reboot...