KPovModeler Tutorial

Andreas Zehender zehender at
Fri Jul 11 21:22:07 CEST 2003


Over the mailing list again. Maybe Luis is reading this.
Luis? Are you on holidays?

On Friday, 11. July 2003 08:30, you wrote:
> No problem. I have already started looking at the doxygen documentation. I
> will need some time to "learn" the structure. BTW, are you using any IDE
> for development?

XEmacs :-)

I tried every version of KDevelop, but never was satisfied by the editor. 
XEmacs has the best autoindentation. Maybe it is time to try the latest alpha 
or CVS version of KDevelop again. I am missing autocompletion in XEmacs.

How much time do you want to spend for KPovModeler? Are you interested in 
implementing all missing objects? I'd like to finish the plugin framework 
with a POV-Ray 3.5 plugin for KDE 3.2.
And we lack the time to do much development at the moment. Would be great to 
have a new team member.

Already now a list of core classes to look at:

PMObject: Base class for all objects
PMMetaObject: Object description class, for RTTI, class hierarchy, properties 
PMMemento: For undo/redo information when changing object attributes

Graphical representation:
PMViewStructure: Contains vertexes and lines for the wire frame
PMControlPoint: Control point in the opengl views

Edit Dialog:
PMDialogEditBase: Base class for edit widgets in the object properties view

PMInsertRuleSystem: A rule based system that describes the possible POV-Ray 
object hierarchies. See the file baseinsertrules.xml.

Greetings, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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