Want to contribute

Andreas Zehender kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 21:09:11 +0100


On Tuesday 28 January 2003 20:15, CARVALHO Luis Passos wrote:
> > Hi all!
> Hi!
> > different directories. And I don't want to move the buildin POV-Ray
> > functionality to a plugin, as plugins can be deactivated.
> Why? It can be a plugin and it is added by default.
> However, lets imagine we start providing export for other renderers as
> well. What if the user doesn't want to use povray?
> If he has an output plugin for his renderer available why would he need to
> load povray's output plugin?

Hrrm, errr, grumble...
You are right

> If we separate the povray export code from the objects (IMHO we should),
> then, there is nothing in the objects or anywhere else that depends on
> povray being installed right? The povray parser (for input) is already
> totally isolated.

We could do that after I finished the import/export plugin framework which 
will be the next after the view framework. The nice thing at the moment is 
that we can follow the inheritance hierarchy with the Base::serialize calls.

> I really think kpovmodeler can be generalized for any renderer. I've been
> looking at renderman language specs.
> The only real pain is that the concepts of texture, normals and media, as
> well as light (povray) are completely different from shaders (renderman).
> However, it is possible to develop shaders that implement most if not all
> of these things just like povray has them.
> Granted it would be a bit of work but we could have a modeller that works
> with both renderman based renderers and povray, which is not that common.
> Am I aiming too high?

Any volunteers to join the project?

> > I hope to get my ISDN card working this afternoon.

Seems to work. At least with automatic dialing. But I don't trust these 
things. I will have to plug the cable off at night in case my computer starts 
and dials into the net :-)
> PS: KDE 3.1 is out. Those who haven't yet upgraded to an RC can now upgrade
> and get the brand new kpovmodeler 1.0. :)

Yes, yes, yes, go get it!!!


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science
 az@azweb.de | zehender@kde.org      