Parametered representation (was: Some ideas for KPM)

Andreas Zehender
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 16:48:42 +0100


On Thursday 02 January 2003 15:54, Daveed Vandevoorde wrote:
> Note that there are alternative, less intrusive ways to add this
> sort of parameterization.  I haven't looked at the KPM source,
> but I imagine that it manipulates an object tree.  One could
> imagine creating a ComputeAndSet node that has the ability to
> set properties (using the same API as what the GUI attached to)
> based on computed values.  A single ComputeAnd Set node might
> set more than one property, BTW.

It is already possible to set object attributes with a property system, only 
by specifying the properties name and a variant as value. The GUI is hard 
coded to the object API at the moment.

I would say this kind of calculation should be delayed until scripting is 


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science |      