Possible bug reports

olivier at linuxgraphic.org olivier at linuxgraphic.org
Thu Dec 18 08:54:42 CET 2003

Hi all,

with all the intensive use of kpovmodeler these past few days, I experimented 
some strange behavior.

1) As I'm at work right now, I can't do a test in order to check if this is 
repetitive but:

when i have a declaration for an object somewhere up in the tree
when I have a link object somewhere low in the tree
when I select both of them (using CTRL+mouse) and erase with the DEL key...

... KPM crashes!

Anyone as been through this before?

2) When importing external POV scripts and when name for colours are used 
instead of rgb values, there are some warning and errors issued by kpm: a 
pigment is finally created, but no solid color corresponding to the one in the 
script. In fact, it seems that only colors written in the rgb format in the pov 
file is correctly imported... I checked in the solid color options, and I can 
turn from Web colors, to Named colors, to personal colors (bad translations 
from the french interface, sorry for the inaccuracy), so the colors are 
existing, for sure: it's just that KPM can't browse through the different 
families of color checkers during import...


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