POV 3.5 Objects

Leon Pennington leon at leonscape.co.uk
Sun Aug 31 05:56:02 CEST 2003

On Saturday 30 August 2003 6:39 am, you wrote:
> It's good that you ask.
> Please don't touch the povray31serialization methods, but create a new file
> "pmpovray35serialization.*" and put all new and changed serialization
> methods there. There will be only one format in the next release, but that
> will make it easy to split it up to separate plugins later.
> Andreas

Okay so just the new and changed, no old in serialization, and theirs a 
diffrent format setup.

Worked a couple of bugs out in heightfield, and got a picky of it working
http://www.leonscape.co.uk/linux/snapshot_HFV.jpg (57.1KB)
I've added a class called PMHeightFieldROAM to handle the algorithm and data 
as directly adding it to PMHeightField was making a mess of things.

Still no waterLevel (beyond the outside line) but is this what people where 

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