KDE 3.2 feature plan

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch marc at rintsch.de
Thu Aug 28 15:57:16 CEST 2003

On Wednesday 27 August 2003 18:29, az at azweb.de wrote:

> > -When many cameras are set, the possibilty to choose which camera
> > should be
> > used for the rendering (currently, the last camera item is the one
> > always used,
> > if I'm not wrong).
> Yes, I think povray uses the last one.
> All objects have now a "export" flag. If it is not set, no POV-Ray
> code will be generated. With that flag you can control which camera
> can be exported.

Can this be changed to POV-Ray code that is commented out instead of not 
exported at all?  Especially for cameras this is useful as you can put 
different "views" into the POV code this way.  If you prefix the 
comments with a special string this might be even reimportable.  For 
example "//!" or "//>".

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
Never say, "Oops!"; always say, "Ah, interesting!"

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