POV 3.5 Missing objects and plugin's

olivier at linuxgraphic.org olivier at linuxgraphic.org
Thu Aug 28 13:12:07 CEST 2003

I'm not quite sure of what is lacking, but here's what I found (or think having 
found). Keep in mind that I'm discovering POVray at the same time I'm playing 
with KPovModeler, and perhaps am I wrong on a few points, so you'll have to re-
evaluate the situation starting on this basis (particularly, I haven't tried 
yet the Finite Patch Primitives). Help from real POV specialists should be 

Types pf projection
spherical projection *

Finite Solid Primitives:
spheresweep ***

Finite Patch Primitives:
solid mesh *
mesh2 *

Infinite Solid Primitives:
Poly, Cubic, Quartic *
Quadric *

Isosurface Object
everything ***

Split Union **

Light Sources:
parallel lights **
param: looks_like ***
param: projected-through ***
area light: add the orient param ***

Object modifiers:
no_image *
no_reflection *
double illuminate ***
photons ***

dispersion ***
attenuation ***

Fresnel option **
Conserve energy for reflection **

all ***

IMHO, here's the priority I give to these items:
* = low
** = medium
*** = 'must have'

I hope this is helpful.

BTW, a good plugin to implement could be the automatic setting of the rainbow 
parameters according to its location and the location of the camera, as this 
setting is real painful (I really have hard time). Is it possible to create a 
WISH-LIST for plugins? I have lot of wihses about these too... ;o)


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