Wire frame Height Field

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Mon Aug 18 18:33:50 CEST 2003


On Monday 18 August 2003 12:45, olivier at linuxgraphic.org wrote:
> -8 full tutorials have been written for the french GNU/Linux Magazine since
> last December; the 9th is currently in progress. I'll build a list of tuts
> for those interested in... Links on kpm.org will appear in the
> documentation section once they will be officially released with the layout
> of
> linuxgrapgic.org, as seen with Andreas
> -3 full tutorials has been translated in english; if there are some french
> readers willing to translate the 5 remaining tutorials into english, please
> let me know because I really have hard time these past few months and I
> don't have time to translate them by myself. I really need help with this,
> because the schedule is almost one full tutorial (more than 20,000
> characters each time) by month! I can't keep the rythm alone...
> -2 full tutorials has been translated in italian (available on linux focus
> IIRC). I'm not sure the third one has been translated in italian since I
> don't have news from kikko for a long time now. Kikko, are you still with
> us? -a kpm section should be launched soon on the www.linuxgraphic.org
> website I'm involved in. I know there are months I'm saying that, but a
> friend is willing to give me some help with this so it could occur in the
> next weeks, at last! -kpm is going well in France, as the feedback about my
> paper-tutorials could be analyzed; people seems to be really enthusiast!

That sounds great!
Thanks for your work for the project! We need this kind of support.

> I also have some questions:
> -someone proposed in the past to 'rebuild' a brand new kpm website; how
> goes the project? It could be cool to have it fully multilingual (a french
> section would be great, as kpm's popularity is growing in France)

Yes, I'm not satisfied with the current home page, too. It needs some new and 
fresh graphics.

> -the kpm software is actually poorly translated in french (thanks for the
> efforts put in the translation, although); I have many complains about the
> translation, and I'd like to discuss these with the maintainer of the
> french translation. Which e-mail address should I use?

I have no idea who is the french translator of kpm. Just look at i18n.kde.org 
or ask on the french i18n mailing list.

> -I have new requests for the actual version of kpm (not feature requests,
> but minor changes to what has been already done, most of them are
> 'cosmetic' ones). Should I list them and transfer to Andreas or should I
> wait for more spare coding-time before?

Just write them here on the list. There is enough empty space on my TODO list 

> -Should some efforts be put in designing a splash screen, a kde-icon and a
> logo for kpovmodeler? I have some ideas about these, but perhaps the kpm
> support- community could also issue some proposals about this... What do
> you think about this?

A splash screen would be great.
For the kde icons: I like the current icon, but feel free to create a new one, 
so we can discuss them here.

Greetings, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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