Wire frame Height Field

olivier at linuxgraphic.org olivier at linuxgraphic.org
Mon Aug 18 13:45:11 CEST 2003


> First of all, a landscape plugin would be a great addition to the modeler.

Cool, along with the wireframe vizualisation of Height-Fields within kpm, this 
was one of my features top request... :o) I remind that something that could 
(easily?) be achieved is to draw in the 3d windows only the level curves of the 
landscape, and not the full polygons... It is, most of times, easier to deal 
with such representations than with full polygonal ones, I think...

Very cool also that a new coder might join the project. I wish I had some skill 
with programming!

Information about my current works:

-8 full tutorials have been written for the french GNU/Linux Magazine since 
last December; the 9th is currently in progress. I'll build a list of tuts for 
those interested in... Links on kpm.org will appear in the documentation 
section once they will be officially released with the layout of 
linuxgrapgic.org, as seen with Andreas
-3 full tutorials has been translated in english; if there are some french 
readers willing to translate the 5 remaining tutorials into english, please let 
me know because I really have hard time these past few months and I don't have 
time to translate them by myself. I really need help with this, because the 
schedule is almost one full tutorial (more than 20,000 characters each time) by 
month! I can't keep the rythm alone...
-2 full tutorials has been translated in italian (available on linux focus 
IIRC). I'm not sure the third one has been translated in italian since I don't 
have news from kikko for a long time now. Kikko, are you still with us?
-a kpm section should be launched soon on the www.linuxgraphic.org website I'm 
involved in. I know there are months I'm saying that, but a friend is willing 
to give me some help with this so it could occur in the next weeks, at last!
-kpm is going well in France, as the feedback about my paper-tutorials could be 
analyzed; people seems to be really enthusiast!

I also have some questions:
-someone proposed in the past to 'rebuild' a brand new kpm website; how goes 
the project? It could be cool to have it fully multilingual (a french section 
would be great, as kpm's popularity is growing in France)
-the kpm software is actually poorly translated in french (thanks for the 
efforts put in the translation, although); I have many complains about the 
translation, and I'd like to discuss these with the maintainer of the french 
translation. Which e-mail address should I use?
-I have new requests for the actual version of kpm (not feature requests, but 
minor changes to what has been already done, most of them are 'cosmetic' ones). 
Should I list them and transfer to Andreas or should I wait for more spare 
coding-time before?
-Should some efforts be put in designing a splash screen, a kde-icon and a logo 
for kpovmodeler? I have some ideas about these, but perhaps the kpm support-
community could also issue some proposals about this... What do you think about 

Keep up the good work...

Olivier Saraja

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