FW: Bug 49751

Andreas Zehender az at azweb.de
Mon Apr 7 20:54:47 CEST 2003


On Monday, 07. April 2003 16:25, CARVALHO Luis Passos wrote:
> I think a more intuitive approach to this would be for the last control
> point to be added to be the first to be selected when they are overlapping.
> An added control point should go on top of the other control points.
> This should apply to any case where the user can add control points at
> will.

Hmmm, at the moment the first control point under the mouse is selected, if 
more than one control point is under the mouse. However, if there is an 
already selected control point under the mouse, this one is used.

In the CVS version, the lathe and sor properties dialog is much improved, as 
you can select control points in the dialog view. This way you can access the 
hidden control point without any problem.

> Anyway, this is more of a wishlist bug, don't you think?

Usability bugs are real bugs. As long as I am not completely sure that this 
usability problem is fixed, I will let this bug open.


 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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