FW: Bug 49751

CARVALHO Luis Passos luis.passos at enabler.com
Mon Apr 7 16:25:39 CEST 2003


This problem only happens if you append the point to the end of the list of
points. In that case, in the 3d views, the appended control point stays
behind the previous control point, making it impossible to access it
directly. This is not a bug but it poses a usability problem, as the two
points move together.

I think a more intuitive approach to this would be for the last control
point to be added to be the first to be selected when they are overlapping.
An added control point should go on top of the other control points.

This should apply to any case where the user can add control points at will.

Anyway, this is more of a wishlist bug, don't you think?

Luis Passos Carvalho

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