Tue, 1 Oct 2002 00:38:07 +0200

Le Lundi 30 Septembre 2002 21:47, Andreas Zehender a =E9crit :
> Hi!
> On Monday 30 September 2002 12:37, Tarax wrote:
> > I do agree with Olivier. Furthermore, it could be designed as the roo=
t of
> > a 2d drafting module, wich should be really interesting for revolving=
> > extruding .... and for more specialized uses of kpovmodeler, like in =
> > field of Architecture (wich I'm specialy interested in ;). See the po=
st I
> > made weeks ago about design choices, referring to FormZ*radiosity. If=
> > had only one wish, it would be to not only focus on animation, games,
> > etc... but really consider fields needing really precise data handlin=
> > So, advanced snaping options and things like that are at the top of m=
> > wish list. I also hope that the plugin architecture will allow the
> > portage of some great includes, objects, & macros that can be found o=
> > the www (like stairs, trees, city, openings generators, Chris Colefax=
> > stuff ...).
> What do you mean by advanced snaping options?

I mean a complete set of options allowing to choose where the points will=
wether on the grid or on the other objects (vertex, edge, middle edge, pe=
face, center face, tangent, ...). It's a function that really improve mod=
eling precision,=20
wich is very interesting if you plan to work at "growing" scales, it avoi=
ds texture pbs, ...

> Yes, the plugin framework will make object creation plugins like landsc=
> and tree generators possible.

Hmmmm, I have a huge bookmark related to pov... could be a job for me to =
scan it, contact
authors for authorisation, & if I'm skilled enought, add things to the ob=
ject library or write plugins
based on those materials.

> Object plugins and object creation plugins are already possible. What I=
> implementing at the moment is that plugins can add pages to the configu=
> dialog.
> The next planed steps are: Give all views access to control points and =
> new kinds of views possible (like the requested 2d sor, prism and lathe
> view).=20

Wonderful... could it be standard CAD/CAM views

> And the import/export and renderer plugin part is missing, too, but
> should be quite straight forward to implement.
> When the plugin framework is finished (which will take some time), I wi=
> not be able to implement new features but will first have to write a hu=
> and detailed HOWTO for all kinds of plugins.

Totaly agree with that... it's the best way to have more people take part=
 to the dev.

> Next on my road map is the mesh object. I still don't have a good idea =
> to handle the great complexity of meshes in the wire frame views. Does
> anybody know a small and simple 3d app with nice mesh editing features =
> extrude etc.?
> The only 3d apps I used so far is moray and a litle bit blender (some y=
> ago), but don't have access to a professional modeler.
> > > Sign...
> > > If some more developers would join us...
> > > maybe...
> > > and the wishlist will not get smaller if millions of kde users will
> > > install KPovModeler with kde 3.1...
> >
> > I hope kde 3.1 release will aknowledge the world of the great work yo=
> > did & encourage coders all around involving in kpovmodeler's improvem=
> > process. Like Olivier, I think we're gonna walk a long way side by
> > side...
> Hmmmmmmmmmm...
> Nice to hear :-)
> Andreas

IMHO, the general activity around the KPovModeler project is going to exp=
with kde 3.1 launching. The lack of an active pov modeler project (even i=
f Giram
seems to be developped a little faster these days than before) & and the =
awaited 3.5 release of pov wich has re-stimulated the community, will for=
ce the interest
of the whole Linux CGA community (& all others platforms where kde & pov =
can be=20
run, including MacOS X ;-)) ). This list's gonna shake man ! ;-))

Keep on runnin'

PS:  have you ever considered 'sourceforging', & if you did... why didn't=
 you ?!!
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