Andreas Zehender
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 08:31:15 +0200


On Tuesday 01 October 2002 00:38, Tarax wrote:
> Le Lundi 30 Septembre 2002 21:47, Andreas Zehender a =E9crit :
> > What do you mean by advanced snaping options?
> I mean a complete set of options allowing to choose where the points will
> hang wether on the grid or on the other objects (vertex, edge, middle edg=
> perpendicular, face, center face, tangent, ...). It's a function that
> really improve modeling precision, wich is very interesting if you plan to
> work at "growing" scales, it avoids texture pbs, ...

Cool idea.
This requires some kind of bounding box/sphere for objects and some snapTo=
methods for each object. The wire frames are only approximated and can't be=

> > Yes, the plugin framework will make object creation plugins like
> > landscape and tree generators possible.
> Hmmmm, I have a huge bookmark related to pov... could be a job for me to
> scan it, contact authors for authorisation, & if I'm skilled enought, add
> things to the object library or write plugins based on those materials.

Sure. That would be great.

> IMHO, the general activity around the KPovModeler project is going to
> explode with kde 3.1 launching. The lack of an active pov modeler project
> (even if Giram seems to be developped a little faster these days than
> before) & and the SO LONG awaited 3.5 release of pov wich has re-stimulat=
> the community, will force the interest of the whole Linux CGA community (&
> all others platforms where kde & pov can be run, including MacOS X ;-)) ).
> This list's gonna shake man ! ;-))

Uh, this list has enough traffic. As soon as it has more traffic than=20
kde-devel, I will split it up to a development list and a user list.

> PS:  have you ever considered 'sourceforging', & if you did... why didn't
> you ?!!

Why should I? We have a CVS server, a homepage and a mailing list.
The application was announced on, it is listed on =
the povray modeler page. I think we have enough publicity.


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science |     =20