HEAD open for commits

Andreas Zehender kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 11:28:46 +0100


On Thursday 28 November 2002 10:50, CARVALHO Luis Passos wrote:
> Andreas,
> I've been developing against KPOVMODELER_1_1_BRANCH.
> My work is easily portable between branches because it consists, mostly, of
> new classes.
> The only problematic files are pmpart.cpp and pmpart.h, but I can clean it
> up after you commit in the HEAD branch.

Is your work stable? I have some small modifications to the 1_1_BRANCH on my 
disk: The control point selection in the properties view and a greatly 
improved vector list edit widget for the lathe, prism and sor object. As soon 
as they are finished I will commit them. Maybe it is the best solution to 
first synchronize in the 1_1_BRANCH and then merge the branches.

So please commit your changes to this branch, when they compile and run 

> What about that discussion on kde-devel about removing kpovmodeler from
> kdegraphics into either a specialized module or kdeextragear. Do you have a
> plan already about that?

Yes, after we synchronized our local modifications and merged the branches, I 
will bring this topic up again in the kde-core-devel list. I can understand 
that such a killer app is too specialized and too big for the kdegraphics 
package. But strange that nobody objected when we moved to the kdegraphics 
package but some days before KDE 3.1 is released.

A specialized module like kdevelop would be a great opportunity for us. We 
could create our own branches and tell the release coordinator which branch 
is the last stable branch to distribute with the next KDE version.

> PS: By the way, how is your master thesis coming along? Well, i hope.
I handed it over yesterday.

Now I have to make a small presentation at the university, finish a small 
english paper and...
... find a job for next year.


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science
 az@azweb.de | zehender@kde.org      