Switch to Qt-3/KDE3

Andreas Zehender kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 23:29:49 +0100


On Wednesday 27 February 2002 21:48, CARVALHO Luis Passos wrote:
> By the way, we should add a field to the scene tag indicating the
> version of kpovmodeler that saved the file.
> If we need to change the format/include new tags later on, it will be
> easier to handle diferent formats of the file.


> By the way, does kpovmodeler already compile on KDE3?
> I've been busy so I still don't have kde 3 working on my PC. If
> kpovmodeler compiles in both systems, we can keep it that way.
> Not many things should break right?

Yes, kpovmodeler compiles on both systems without modifications.

But: If you don't have the time to install KDE3 on your PC the next week, 
I will not switch to KDE3. There seem to be some changes to the xml-gui 
framework which have to be fixed in kpovmodeler that will possibly break 
the program for KDE2.
Or better: I will fix these issues but not committ the changes.

You have to inform me if I break the program for 2.0.
I will switch then to KDE3 now.

And send me a mail if you switch to KDE3, too.
I will then replace QList with QPtrList etc.

Greetings, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 9th semester computer science
 az@azweb.de | zehender@kde.org      