Tagging, releases and a problem

CARVALHO Luis Passos kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 19:33:07 -0000


Just to complement my previous mail about this.

> Should I add the pigment change to the bugfix release? Or can the 
> inconsitencies be tollerated? It's hard to maintain two versions 
> separately.

You can use tags/branches in the CVS to maintain different code.
Unless you develop in parallel in the two branches, the space needed to
store the code doesn't increase.
That way, if there is a serious bug you can check out that release's code
and patch that, without messing with the HEAD development.

Anyway, only serious crashing bugs should be fixed in alpha releases, I

By the way, do you have any idea on what do you intend to have working
before the next release?
I think I can finish every texture component before the next release (icons
excluded :)), unless you want one real soon.
Also, I need to go through all the includes I've written and document them,
as most of them are not documented yet.

As for the problem:
	It comes from interdependencies between objects. 
	For instance, certain pattern types are incompatible with normals or
specifying a depth in a pattern is incompatible with slope map or normal
	The control for this belongs to their parent object in the tree. So,
what I thought was, much like in pmdeclare, the type is different, depending
on what is inserted in the declare, a pmpattern can also return different
object types depending on it's pattern type and if there is a depth or not.
Another possible solution is to have a subType() method so that the parent
knows what to expect. What do you think?

	Personally I'm more in favor of the first, as it doesn't change
anything in the framework, but it's less open to change than the sub-type
