[kplato] some first thought on kplato 0.6.94

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Sat May 24 22:10:09 CEST 2008

Tirsdag 20 maj 2008 18:30 skrev mimoune djouallah:
> hello
Hi mimoune,
The default values are a bit strange at the moment, I've had complaints 
before :)
I have changed the sw structure and the configuration stuff did't quite make 
it. I have just now commited a temporary solution to svn that sets more 
sensible default values when creating tasks.
> i am running kplato 0.6.94 using kde 4.0.74 under ms windows xp, as i
> am trying to make my first simple project with it, i remarked that the
> duration of task is always 0.0ms, whatever i try to change it.
> first what is ms ? and why i can't change duration of task ?
ms = milliseconds.
I don't know if there may be a bug in the windows version that is not present 
in the Linux version (which I run), but it *should* work like this:
You can change the estimate in the tasks editor by:
1) doubleclick the Estimate column,
2) rightclick the task to get a popup menu and choose edit.
In both cases you should get a spinbox that holds a value like 0.0ms, where ms 
is the time unit. You can change the time unit by moving the cursor the 
rightmost position and step up. If the cursor are on the number the numer is 
changed as with a normal spinbox.
To get an actual duration for a task, you have to create a schedule (in the 
Schedule editor) and calculate it.
> can we assign cost to resources instead of tasks.
You specify cost for resources in the columns "Normal Rate" and "Overtime 
Rate" (the last isn't quite implemented yet).
> thanks
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Dag Andersen

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