[kplato] Development Status?

Marek Bálint balint at voidsystems.sk
Mon Feb 18 17:43:48 CET 2008

I'm glad to see things moving... :o)

On Monday 18 February 2008, Dag Andersen wrote:
> Mandag 18 februar 2008 04:33 skrev Charles Ritchie:
> > Hi,
> Hi, Charles.
> > I am interested in using and possibly lending some support to Kplato. 
> > What is the current level of development activity?
> Steady but slow :)
> > Is there an updated version
> > that will be included in KOffice 2.0?
> Certainly hope so.
> > I am not a developer but I am very
> > familiar with project scheduling tools and could potentially assist with
> > documentation (requirements or user documentation), testing, and the
> > like.
> You are very, very wellcome! Input is needed for all you mention.
> * Requirements. In the short term it would be nice to get a second opinion
> on whether I have my priorities right or have missed something crucial. *
I do not know, if I am talking for most users and I also do not know your 
priority list, but from my point of view, there is one "most wanted" feature 
(I am waiting for - for a long time) - resources planning:
When I create some tasks and add only one man to do them, KPlato doesn't care 
about working hours of this one man. For example, I create two tasks, with 8 
hours effort each. If these tasks do not depend on each other, KPlato says 
that this one man should perform them simultaneously and therefore esitmated 
end of project is not in 24 hours, but 8 hours.

> Testing. Both the scheduling and ui needs a thorough work through. *
> Documentation. There are a number of people that worked on docs for the
> last release. I think some of them will contribute this time too, but I'm
> sure they'll appreciate help.

S pozdravom / Best Regards,

Marek Bálint
executive director

WWW: http://www.voidsystems.sk
EMAIL: balint at voidsystems.sk
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