[kplato] Some ideas

Nicolas Pettiaux nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be
Wed Nov 29 08:48:31 CET 2006

Thanks for all the work and progress on kplato that make it more useful 

I had just some ideas, that I wanted to share and that are linked to my 
own practice of PM (project management).

when generating the list of activities, a mind mapping tool like 
kdissert is very useful. On the other end, after the list of activities 
and their organisation in a tool like plato has been done, it is very 
usefull to be able to write reports that use much of the information 
from the PM tool.

So a way to link (export is a first step) the PM file and documents in 
OOo formats organized through kword for example could be very helpfull.

(today kdissert already export information in OOo format)


Nicolas Pettiaux
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