[kplato] setting up a calendar

Adam Hardy adam.ant at cyberspaceroad.com
Fri Nov 24 02:12:21 CET 2006

Dag Andersen on 21/11/06 09:33, wrote:
> Tirsdag 21 november 2006 00:45 skrev Adam Hardy:
>> Dag Andersen on 15/11/06 07:31, wrote:
>>> Tirsdag 14 november 2006 01:08 skrev Adam Hardy:
>>>> I would like to set up calendars by entering the hours a team member is
>>>> available during the week.
>>> In the calendar dialog, you can select weekdays (not only dates).
>>> You can also use ctrl- and shift keys when selecting.
>> OK, so I enter working sessions for every day by selecting days, even
>> making selections spanning months (which is really useful) using the CTRL
>> key.
>> If I leave a day undefined, what happens then? Does it take into account
>> the settings on the Standard Worktime dialog?
> Yes, looks that way ;)

here's a question that isn't obvious or a bug - to my mind at least :)

I have 4 working days in my week. Three have working intervals with 2 hours. The 
fourth has a working interval of 3 hours.

Now when I enter the effort required on a task, I put in 5 hours, for example. 
Kplato then recalculates this into 2 days and 1 hour. I guess this is because I 
have set the Standard Worktime for a day to be 2 hours. Is that true?

But that is only roughly correct, because really my average working day is 2.25 

I would prefer to keep my task effort estimates as hours, instead of allowing 
kplato to recalculate them into days. Is there a way of doing this?


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